5/10/23, 10:29 PM Myanmar: Internet shutdowns shrouding torchings and killings - ARTICLE 19 (https://www.article19.org) Myanmar: Internet shutdowns shrouding torchings and killings Content note: this statement contains references to violence, murder, and potential war crimes. For months, the Myanmar military has systematically imposed internet shutdowns to facilitate an aggressive scorched-earth campaign across the nation. Internet, mobile, and landline connections are cut in an impending sign of a military attack — and as shutdowns reign for days on end, entire villages, schools, places of worship, and personal property are torched, villagers killed, and food and other necessary supplies destroyed. Internet shutdowns have fortified the military’s oppressive “Four Cuts” (https://www.thechindwin.com/myanmars-military-juntareintroduces-the-four-cuts-strategy-against-civilians/)strategy (https://www.thechindwin.com/myanmars-military-junta- This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you reintroduces-the-four-cuts-strategy-against-civilians/) — a military can opt-outdestroy if you wish. Cookie settings ACCEPT campaign to indiscriminately anything or anyone deemed to support the raging movement on the Privacy andpopular Cookie resistance Policy (https://www.article19.org/privacy-policy/) https://www.article19.org/resources/myanmar-internet-shutdowns-torchings-killings/  1/8

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